Interim rekenmethodes voor EG richtlijnen 

Wölfel Meßsysteme · Software GmbH & Co, Eupen (België),  juni 2002

In de Europese richtlijn voor Geluidkartering wordt een interim rekenmethode aanbevolen voor Europese landen die nog geen eigen Rekenvoorschrift bezitten. Voor spoorweglawaai is dit het Nederlandse Reken- en Meetvoorschrift. Voor wegverkeerslawaai wordt dit het Franse voorschrift. Deze voorschriften moeten hiertoe aangepast worden en vertaald worden. De opdracht hiervoor is gegund aan een consortium onder leiding van Wölfel Meßsysteme. Hieronder het - engelstalige - persbericht hierover.

Wölfel wins EC Contract "Adaptation and revision of INTERIM computation methods for strategic noise mapping" 

EC Directorate-General " Environment " lets important contract on the " Adaptation and revision of INTERIM computation methods for strategic noise mapping " to an international group of companies headed by Wölfel Meßsysteme · Software GmbH & Co.

The consortium comprises six independent companies all specialising in environmental acoustics and coming from distinct EU Member States (alphabetic order): AIB-Vinçotte EcoSafer (B), AKRON n.v.-s.a. (B), LABEIN S.L. (E), Prof. Dr. Judith LANG (A), Lärmkontor GmbH (D), Proscon Environmental Ltd. (UK) and Wölfel Meßsysteme · Software GmbH & Co (D)+(B).

The contract is part of the introduction of the future EU Directive on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise. The goal is to produce international versions of the national calculation methods selected as INTERIM methods in the Directive, to include latest modifications and editions made in the State of origin, and to adapt the method to the requirements of the Directive. To make a method international, it is translated into English, all national references and clauses are deleted, its practicability out of its original territorial environment is ensured and its use is explained by means of examples. As to the international methods ISO 9613-2 and ECAC Doc. 29 selected as INTERIM methods, the work mainly consists of making them compatible with the requirements of the Directive. Here special care is to be brought to the proper calculation of indicators LDEN and Lnight. To produce a practical, acceptable and universal tool the in-depth knowledge of practical and theoretical differences in noise mapping between EU Member States is required as is technical and normative know-how. The intercultural dimension of the contract is reflected by the composition of the consortium. Project Manager is Wölfel's Edgar Wetzel, recently elected Member of the Institute of Acoustics, an insider of European noise mapping regulations, methods, practices and technology.

The results of the study will be examined by DG "Environment" Working Group AEN (assessment of environmental noise) who will use it as a basis to produce the practical guidelines announced by the Directive for mid 2003.

Says Wölfel's Managing Director Klaus-Georg Krapf: "By letting the contract to Wölfel, EC DG Environment expresses its trust into our work, professional experience and reliability as a major project partner as well as in the European partners we selected to set up our consortium. As the main contractor, Wölfel feels very proud, indeed!"

Bron: persbericht Wölfel Meßsysteme · Software GmbH & Co

Meer informatie: Wölfel - International Sales Office, Vervierser Str. 43, B-4700 Eupen T: +32 87 56 10 02 - F: +32 87 56 10 04 - email: 
